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Pilates for Dancers with Holistic Ballet

To be the best you can be as a dancer, ballet training is not enough.


These pilates for dancer classes counteract some of the unintended effects of ballet and help to create the necessary strength and flexibility you need for your safe progress.  

How To Purchase Your Pilates Video


  • click the 'Subscribe' button and follow the instructions

  • download the files here on this page

  • ensure you have enough space on your device 

  • save your files to a permanent platform,e.g. Dropbox, iCloud, etc.

Alternatively, you can stream the video here on this page.

If you have any problems, please get in touch.

pilates for dancers

pilates for dancers

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Buy £6.99

Both, the full length and the shortened pilates routine, are each a fantastic supplement to your dance training as well as a great alternative if you cannot attend a ballet or dance class.

pilates for dancers: shorter class

pilates for dancers: shorter class

Watch Preview
Buy £4.99

What To Expect:

Franziska and Herbert, her adorable cat assistant, guide you through the following exercises:

  • arm & shoulder 

  • abdominals

  • gluts & hamstrings

  • leg extensions

  • hip rotations

  • inner thighs/ adductors

  • back extensions

  • combinations of strength and stretch 

I often hear from people that they are not able to follow the entire abdominal routine at first. However, it becomes easier rather quickly. Start with doing as much as you are able to and you may be surprised by your own progress withing a few weeks.

If you have any questions please get in touch.

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